Pauline Willis
Pauline Willis Pauline Willis
Coach Profile

Pauline is a Director of Lauriate Ltd through which she provides a range of services.

Pauline specialises in delivering programmes that link individual performance and potential with the achievement of strategic organisational objectives. She does this by aligning change programmes with core business objectives and supporting key individuals within the organisation to successfully negotiate the change process. Knowledge and skills transfer to individuals within the client organisation leads to sustained growth and change without creating a dependency on external consultancy support.

Pauline delivers a range of business psychology services including the provision of tailored, client focussed coaching and mentoring programmes. The design, implementation and evaluation of coaching and mentoring practice is currently Pauline's core area of professional interest.

Coaching clients are predominantly executives, leaders or 'high potentials'  working within large blue chip companies. A number of Paulines clients are leaders of strategic organisational change who are themselves acquiring advanced coaching or mentoring competence.

Pauline also works with a small number of self funded personal coaching clients. These are all people who have the courage to invest in significant work/life change. In 2002/2003 Pauline worked with 'Ruth', a personal coaching client on behalf of the BBC Radio 4 programme Nice Work as part of a media experiment to test the effectiveness of coaching as 'stressbusting' strategy

With a strong professional background in business psychology and consulting with 15 years experience spanning a range of industries including health, energy, electronics and information technology both in Australia and the UK, Pauline possesses the expertise and breadth of experience to support individuals and organisations to achieve maximum potential.

Current projects

BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology
As Past Chair of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology, Pauline is actively working towards the recognition and value of psychological and business competencies in supporting significant personal and organisational change.
International Negotiating Academy
In collaboration with INA pauline has developed of a unique personal development package that focuses on cross cultural communication and negotiation. The package includes a tailored needs assessment, workshop, self-directed learning tools and coaching programme.
European Mentoring & Coaching Council
As a founding Executive Board Member of the EMCC Pauline conducted the first stage of the EMCC's Standards Project which focused on the identificiation of core coaching and mentorng competencies. Pauline resigned from the EMCC EB on the 13th of December, 2004 and has been contracted to conduct a second project associated with Coaching and Mentoirng Competencies. The aim of this project is around industry wide consultation and providing a sound research base to guide the development of professional practice standards for coaching and mentoring.


Pauline is a qualified business psychologist who maintains registrations with key professional and accrediting bodies in both the UK (BPS) and Australia (APS). She is also co-founder and joint Managing Director of the Coaching & Mentoring Network, the UK's leading independent web-based resource dedicated to coaching and mentoring. Pauline has been quoted in the press as an expert on coaching and mentoring practice, written articles on coaching and mentoring for business publications (Total Business Article) and is a speaker for a variety of conferences and networking organisations including the European Mentoring & Coaching Conference (Cambridge), Linkage International Coaching & Mentoring Conference (London), Professional Women International (Brussels)well, Institute of Electrical Engineers(Oxford). British Psychological Society's Division of Occuaptional Psychology, and Special Group in Coaching Psychology

Professonal Memberships & Accreditations

Chartered Psychologist (BPS)
Occupational Psychologist (HPC)
Past Chair of BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP)
Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS)
Member of the College of Organisational Psychologists (APS)
Member of the APS Interest Group in Coaching Psychology
Founding Executive Board Member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (2001 - 2004)
External Assessor: International Standards for Mentoring Schemes in Employment
External Avisor to Oxford Brookes University for the MA in Coaching and Mentoring
Certificate of Quality Management in Healthcare (University of New South Wales Medical School/Australian Council on Healthcare Standards)